Attenuator Range

Rectangular Model Identification and Designation

Type - Performance characteristics

AE0 - Premium performance, high resistance attenuator for use as a primary unit only
AE1 - High performance, lower resistance, good low frequency performance characteristics
AE2 - Mid-range, good performance through all frequencies and moderate resistance
AE3 - General purpose, good mid-range performance and low resistance characteristics
AE4 - Low resistance, generally used as a secondary unit

- Bullnosed splitters
Q - Flat faced splitters
B - Bend attenuator
M - Melinex lined infill

Circular Model Identification and Designation

Type - Performance characteristics

ST - Straight through type. Negligible resistance. Good mid-frequency performance.
PT - Fitted with a central pod. High performance with moderate resistance.

Full performance information is based on independent tests carried
out to BS 4718 and is available on separate data sheets.

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